Looking for a new podcast? Check out Dani Shapiro’s FAMILY SECRETS.
Now in its sixth season, with over 22 million downloads—FAMILY SECRETS is a collection of stories from guests who have discovered long-hidden secrets from their families’ past. These stories connect and offer conversation to Dani’s best-selling memoir Inheritance, where she chronicles an earth-shattering family secret of her own.
If you missed the first five seasons of FAMILY SECRETS, all episodes—including Listener Stories and bonus content!—can be found here.
You can follow Family Secrets on:
Facebook or Twitter @famsecretspod
And if you have a family secret you think would be right for the show, drop a note to [email protected].
If you’ve never listened to FAMILY SECRETS before, start here. You’ll find a “greatest hits” compilation of some of Dani’s favorite moments from the show.